
Tuesday 4 December 2012


CHANGI AIRPORT WEDDING PROPOSAL Noel and I had been planning to get married for the longest time however we have other priorities in life, so the idea was set aside for other priorities to come in. For quite a time, we thought that our marriage plans will just be a dream but due to our incessant prayers and faith in God, this dream wedding will now become a reality. Our wedding story began when Noel proposed to me on December 15, 2011 at Singapore Changi Airport. On that day, I was bound to fly back to the Philippines and Noel was not able to come because of his vacation leave credits. I was completely unaware that Noel is going to propose to me on that night because I didn’t notice any preparation for his proposal. He was insisting Cecilia (our housemate) to accompany us to the airport. He was not able to share his proposal plans to her so Cecilia wasn’t able to accompany us. Noel ended up bringing me alone to the airport. I was wondering why he was in a hurry to let me check in my luggage at that time and yet my flight would be for another two more hours waiting time but since he insisted, I never asked why. Then he asked me if I want to eat or drink something while waiting. I told him just to order hot chocolate drinks from McDonalds. He left and when he came back with my order, I was surprised to see a tiny wrapped box of POH HENG (my favorite jewelry shop in SG) and he was holding a piece of paper with these words written on it: WILL YOU MARRY ME? YES OR NO? I was so incredibly shocked that I could not even utter a word but I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks. Finally, I answered, “YES I WILL MARRY YOU”. He slipped the ring on my finger and I continued to cry because of the extreme happiness that he suddenly gave me.